a tie
it's a tie today between seeing jupiter with 4 of its moons, and elk coming off the plateau as the sun set in the canyon...
can pizza be beautiful? yes! when it's homemade crust, fresh mozzarella cheese, yellow and red streaked heirloom tomatos, golden garden peppers and fresh basil!
high mountains
the weekend high in the mountains...spent in a cozy cabin, overlooking mount massive, the golden aspen leaves lining all the paths, hiking about treeline with the browns and rusts and orange tundra, mountains dusted in early fall snow.
all F's
a Fire under the Full moon on the First Full day of Fall. surrounded by Friends and yummy Food. Fresh chai and Fun music, all homemade right there. there's beauty in the experience.
this afternoon and evening were filled with rain, rain, rain and lightning, sweeping. waves of rain and clouds rising out of the valley, as the clouds rose i could get glimpses of the beautiful sunset playing on the tops of the clouds.
book cliffs
the sunset fell dark red on the book-cliffs tonight. the usual pink glow missing, the rich earth tones of gold and crimson highlighting every line.
while tea partying
while celebrating a friend's upcoming baby with a tea party, floating down the river, a great blue heron swooped overhead, silent, strong, elegant.
fall leaves
a spontaneous trip up to the mesa late in the afternoon, and we were rewarded with clear skies, sunset, and golden leaves, all reflecting in a little lake, as fish jumped and the moon rose. mm!
from mom
my mom bought me a huge yellow dahlia, bigger than my head, at farmers' market. it's the life of my apartment right now!
love in the eyes
talking with my friend about her new-ish love. and the love that was reflected in her eyes when she spoke about them together. that is a wonderful thing!
we walked through fields and fields of rabbit brush...all decked out in its sunshiny splendor, crisp blue skies above and the mesa as a backdrop.
after some time away, i greeted the garden with such happiness. the eggplants in all their purple, bursting, shiny, glory greeted me right back!
watching a friend and her daughter. sitting with the friend for a leisurely lunch. pizza with mini-fingerling-potatoes. watching flocks of birds soar above the marshes of the great salt lake as the sun set and cast long shadows.
at the hirshhorn: all alone with endless hallways of art. surrounded by calder's mobiles and miro's painitngs. and yves klein exhibit with women rolling in paint and on canvas.
waking up
this morning i was in a new house, with my dear old friends, and their new baby. shortly after i woke up i heard the baby so i went down to make my introductions. i was greeted by a smiling happy baby and chubby arms around my neck.
early morning i walked down the boardwalk toward the beach. right as the breaking surf came into view, a group of dolphins dove through, on their merry way along the coast.
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